As a non-profit organization, we work to pass stronger greyhound protection laws and end the cruelty of dog racing on both national and international levels. We also promote the rescue and adoption of greyhounds across the globe.
RNZ - Greyhound adoption sours over terms and conditions
Crikey - Greyhound overbreeding surges and death toll mounts
Irish Examiner - Banned elsewhere, funded here: Why Ireland still supports greyhound racing
Seven in ten voters want dog racing subsidies to end in Ireland, November 12, 2024
SPCA and other leading animal organisations commit to supporting rehoming racing greyhounds, May 20, 2024
GREY2K USA applauds bipartisan effort to prohibit dog racing in the Nutmeg State, May 9, 2024
Brooklyn Goes Home
by Christine A. Dorchak and Carey M. Theil, GREY2K USA Worldwide
Foreword by Jane Goodall, PhD, DBE and Afterword by Simon Parry
$ 19.95 paperback
$ 9.99 eBook
Paperback ISBN 978-1-59056-714-2
eBook ISBN 978-1-59056-715-9