Here’s what lawmakers, racetrack owners, kennel workers, newspapers and others have to say about greyhound racing.

A Dying Industry

“Greyhound racing had long since seen its day in Northeast Florida and most of the state.”

— Jamie Shelton, President, bestbet, remarking on end of racing in Florida and the successful redevelopment of dog tracks, December 8, 2023

“Greyhound racing is coming to an end around the country. When Florida closed, it kind of hurt us all. It was a dagger in the heart. I have a feeling in about five years we won't see any more greyhound racing in the United States.”

— Brian Carpenter, Iowa Greyhound Park General Manager, The Gazette, December 3, 2021

“There is no uncertainty any longer; it is a simple fact that no greyhound races will run live in Texas in the foreseeable future.”

— Texas Greyhound Association, letter to Texas Racing Commission, September 24, 2021

“Greyhound racing is clearly a fading industry.”

— Dwight Berube, Vice President and General Manager, letter to the Texas Racing Commission, Valley Race Park, July 2, 2021

“We’ll be at a full season this year. We’re probably going to look at half-a-season next year. Then we’re going to be done because of the shortage of greyhounds now. When they closed Florida down, that kind of was the dagger in the heart.”

— Brian Carpenter, General Manager, Iowa Greyhound Park,, April 22, 2021

“There’s just nowhere to run.”

— Shannon Henry, multi-generational Kansas greyhound breeder, remarking on shut down of US industry, April 19, 2021

“Revenues have lagged. It’s not a product that was supporting itself.”

— Kip Keefer, Executive Director, Birmingham Racing Commission, commenting on decision to shut down the last Alabama dog track,, April 22, 2020

“Dog racing has been in steep decline for years.”

— Steve Lancaster, Attorney for Southland Park announcing the 2022 end of live racing at the track, Arkansas Commercial Appeal, October 17, 2019

“We're done with live racing. It's a dying industry anyway.”

— Jim O'Brien, President and Chief Executive, Melbourne Greyhound Park, announcing that the track will never re-open for live racing and admitting to losses of $250,000 a year, Vero News, December 27, 2018

“This is a death blow to the industry. Greyhound racing has been on the decline. It's didn't shock me. The sport has contracted for years.”

— Retired Daytona Beach Kennel Club President, Dan Francati commenting on the passage of Amendment 13 and phase-out of dog racing in Florida, Daytona Beach News-Journal, November 27, 2018

“Over the last few decades, dog racing has seen its popularity wane.”

— Flagler dog track, press release announcing the June 29 end to live racing, June 13, 2018

“Memberships in the Kansas Greyhound Breeders Association as well as individual registrations of Kansas Bred greyhounds has dropped dramatically over the past few years based on the fading hopes of a return to racing in the Sunflower State.”

— Jim Gartland, Executive Director of the National Greyhound Association, testimony to the Kansas House Federal and State Affairs Committee, February 8, 2017

“As you know, the town is one of the few remaining [dog] tracks left in the state and though we appreciate all that bestbet has done for the town, we feel that dog racing is becoming a thing of the past. It seems the only publicity for dog racing is negative publicity, which ultimately reflects on the town.”

— Orange Park Mayor Scott Land, Clay Today, October 25, 2017

“IGB cannot haemorrhage money in this way, and unless there is a resolution, and I have to make this clear, then the end game is the cessation of all racing nationally.”

— Phil Meaney, Chairman Irish Greyhound Board, Irish Times, May 4, 2017

“It's an industry that has seen its time. I wish it was better, but it's not. It's nobody's fault. The world changes.”

— Jim O'Brien, General Manager, Melbourne Greyhound Park, Orlando Weekly, May 10, 2017

“Overwhelming evidence demonstrates endemic abuse, mistreatment and early deaths for dogs involved in racing, and it is very concerning to think this situation may continue.”

— Clover Moore, Vice Mayor of Sydney, letter to Greyhound Rescue Australia, January 17, 2017

“Greyhound racing has run its course in Arizona. It's heartening that these beautiful greyhounds will soon be off the track and in loving homes.”

— Governor Doug Ducey upon signing GREY2K USA Worldwide bill to prohibit dog racing, May 13, 2016

“Parimutuel is a losing proposition. When we closed Camptown I think we were losing a couple hundred thousand a month, but parimutuel is not a viable business anymore anywhere in the country …Parimutuel [horse racing] is dead and Greyhound is even worse.”

— Phil Ruffin, Billionaire owner of three Kansas dog tracks, testimony before the Lottery Gaming Facility Review Board, May 29, 2015

“This is a common sense, moral issue. Florida should not continue to be a subsidizer of the death of dogs.”

— Florida Senator Don Gaetz in support of decoupling legislation, February 14, 2015

“The perception, especially in the legislature is that it's a dying industry and to most extent it is.”

— Sam Burdette, President of the West Virginia Greyhound Owners and Breeders Association, February 2, 2015

“I hope we can keep racing, but if we're going to lose money on it, we just gotta give it up. Part of business.”

— Iowa greyhound breeder, Jeff Junk, KWWL-TV Dubuque, June 2, 2014

“Dog racing is dying throughout the country. It doesn't seem to make sense to open another track when it is a dying industry.”

— Governor Terry Brandstad, Des Moines Register, February 26, 2014

“Lower revenue means there's less in the way of money to care for the dogs since the operators must cut overhead. Case in point, the recent violations of a kennel operator who was charged with forging vaccination records -— an obvious cost-saving measure by the kennel operator. Hundreds of greyhounds were placed in danger due to the act.”

— Danny Adkins, Vice President, Mardi Gras Casinos in Florida and West Virginia, Sunshine State News, February 25, 2014

“We're seeing a dying industry, and we are tired of supporting this industry.”

— Bo Guidry, Vice President and General Manager, Bluffs Run dog track, January 15, 2014

“If you look at the economics of the situation, any other business would have closed a long time ago.”

— Dubuque, Iowa Mayor Roy Buol on the state of the dog racing industry, December 10, 2013

“Can greyhound racing by itself, stand-alone, survive? I don't believe so.”

— Dan Adkins, Vice President for Mardi Gras Casinos, which owns two dog tracks, Charleston Gazette, September 4, 2013

“When it comes down to brass tacks it's about keeping costs as low as possible.”

— Racing supporter Tommy Lyons advising trainers on how to offset dog racing losses, Irish Times, June 6, 2013

“That leaves a sad question lingering in the air: Which dog will be the last to die in a show that nobody's watching?”

— Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Editorial, May 2, 2013

“The greyhound racing business is on its last legs .... The market for dog racing is small, and the dogs themselves pay a high price for racing.”

— Charleston Daily Mail, Editorial, February 21, 2013

“The only time there’s a large crowd of people watching dogs is when people get up from the poker tables to smoke.”

— Izzy Havenick, owner of two Florida dog tracks, 2012

“Dog racing is matter of fact dead.”

— Jim Carney, lobbyist for Caesars Entertainment which owns Bluffs Run Greyhound Park, Des Moines Register, February 2, 2012

Confinement of Greyhounds

“The dogs have become a commodity. They spend most of their time confined, apart from a little bit of exercise … it is a miserable life.”

— David Neale, Animal Welfare Director at the Animals Asia Foundation, South China Morning Post, January 15, 2012

“A very consistent behavior I see in these dogs is, as they are brought out of the lock-out area, is that they jump, stretch and shake very vigorously. This tells me that they are not able to do these things very well in the cages.”

— Dr. Marianne Kirkendall, Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, e-mail dated October 12, 2009

“I am appalled that dogs are being permanently housed in cages the size of airline crates.”

— Dr. Temple Grandin, Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University, e-mail dated August 25, 2009

“The industry defends the small cage sizes … I don't really buy into that as a veterinarian and am concerned about the stress of small confinement as well as air quality in kennels and sanitation concerns from stacking of cages. Currently we have about 72 dogs per kennel here in Iowa.”

— Dr. Keith Soring, Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, e-mail dated August 24, 2009

“When so many greyhounds are kept in close quarters, as they are throughout the racing industry, any disaster or disease will sicken, injure or kill many, or all of them."

— Editorial. Fort Myers News-Press, June 4, 2005

4-D Meat

“Most of these cows are dehydrated and half dead ... the crooks in the 4D meat business use the dead cows for racing and zoo meat.”

— Dr. Jennifer Barker, former dog track veterinarian and current Dairy Inspector for the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection, e-mail dated October 4, 2013

“I don't find too many surprises when it comes to the 'nutrition of the racing hound by witchcraft.'”

— Dr. William Dugger, longtime track veterinarian at Palm Beach Kennel Club, e-mail dated October 2, 2013

“The source of the meat in the United States for the majority of racing kennels comes from abattoirs that have commercial products of 4-D meat for Greyhounds ... the "D" stands for dying diseased, disabled and dead livestock ... the United States Department of Agriculture requires the addition of denatured charcoal to 4-D meat to make it unfit for human consumption. This meat is used since it is the most economically feasible for the Greyhound industry at this time.”

— Industry handbook Care of the Racing and Retired Greyhound, 2007.

Racetrack Conditions

“That's the way you handle dogs and the only way you can handle dogs.”

— Sam Burdette, President of the West Virginia Greyhound Breeders and Owners Association, defending greyhound abuse, WTAE, June 23, 2013

“The greyhound industry is the most violent industry you could ever imagine. The conditions that the dogs live in are horrendous and the treatment that they get at the end of it is unbelievable.”

— George Anderson, chairman Northern Ireland's Mid Antrim Animal Sanctuary, June 28, 2013

“This place wouldn't stop racing this past summer when the actual temps were over 100 and the heat indexes were over 112 … to placate me, they put a row of 5-6 water hoses near the escape & made it a judges order to spritz every dog with water as they came off the track. Unfortunately, all the hoses were placed together so close & were all coming out of the same line that water pressure was near zero when more than one person tried to use them.”

— Dr. Lisa Robinson of the Arkansas Racing Commission, on Southland Park running races in temperatures exceeding 100 degrees, e-mail dated January 29, 2011

Cruel Fate of Unprofitable Dogs

“Yeah, that’s a common thing that you’d crack their skulls and stuff so their [sic] break down quicker. I was always taught that.”

— Trevor Rice, NSW greyhound owner, statement to the Australian Greyhound Welfare and Integrity Commission, defending his bludgeoning of four unwanted dogs with a hammer and their burial in his garden, February 11, 2024.

“Greyhound racing is an odious, inhumane industry that kills thousands of innocent dogs and puppies every year in the most cruel and depraved ways.”

— Abigail Boyd, Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council in Australia, May 30, 2019

“If the dogs weren’t adopted, their fate would be bleak. They would wind up being euthanized. As soon as they become unwanted animals, everybody knows what happens to all unwanted animals — if they don’t get adopted they get put down.”

— Tom McRorie, Fast Friends, commenting on the fate of greyhounds at Mexican dog track, Public Radio International, April 12, 2018.

“The greyhound industry consistently puts profits before animal welfare.”

— Dr. Mehreen Faruqi, Greens MP of New South Wales, Australia debating for ban on dog racing, August 9, 2016

“[Our investigation] is chilling — confronting — horrific, [it] has shone a light on an industry that has overseen the slaughter of tens of thousands of healthy dogs whose only crime was that they were not fast enough."

— Mike Baird, Premier of New South Wales, condemning cruelty of dog racing Down Under, July 7, 2016

“[A]n end to the industry there would be a positive move, and would spare many future generations of dogs an uncertain fate once they outlive their financial usefulness."

— Chay Neal, President, Animal Liberation Queensland, Brisbane Times, August 3, 2015

“[T]he physical abuse, risk of injury and culling mean that greyhound racing has a likely, if not guaranteed, risk of death for the participating dog, which means some would classify it as a blood sport”

— Greyhound Racing New South Wales Report, August 2015

“The culture of the industry is defined by animal deaths being acceptable and necessary and where profits come before welfare."

— Internal memo by industry groups Greyhounds Australasia and Greyhound Racing South Australia, April 23, 2015

“What I do; it's a matter of economics … I get the vet to come down here and euthanize the dogs.”

— Phil Green, Greyhound Racing New Zealand Board Member, TV3 News, November 13, 2013

“e have to sell to survive because this is a busines… we have unraced dogs always coming out of stream. Every dog has a price.”

— Liam Dowling, Ballymac Kennels, Connoly's Red Mill Feeds YouTube Channel, July 8, 2013

“We believe at present it is around 3,000 greyhounds a year that are euthanised [in New South Wales].”

— Brent Hogan, CEO, Greyhound Racing NSW, Australia, November 9, 2012

“What's sad is that we continue to euthanize dogs at the trainer's request for non-life threatening injuries while running for $10 million plus purse supplements from the casino industry.”

— Dr. Keith Soring, Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, e-mail dated November 3, 2010

Inadequate Regulation

“You used to be able to put a dead rabbit on the lure and the dog would finish onto it.”

— NSW greyhound breeder Jason Bolwell complaining about government "over-regulation" of live lure training, Australian Racing Greyhound, July 13, 2022

“Well, I happen to believe that regulation is best carried out by a body stemming from greyhound racing itself that knows what goes on in greyhound racing itself - and knows where any bodies are buried.”

— Britain's Lord Lipsey opposing ban on dog racing before Welsh Petition Committee, June 13, 2022

“The [dead] bodies would pile up. It was rabbit after rabbit after rabbit. And the pile will grow and get bigger and bigger until they had no rabbits left in their box to use.”

— GREY2K USA Worldwide undercover investigator Pete, commenting on 2020 expose of live lure training, July 26, 2020

“It is a broken sport that exploits animals and an industry rife with seedy elements. Florida's promise to protect these animals and regulate the industry is equally broken.”

— Pensacola News Journal, Editorial, September 15, 2015

“Many of the officials are known to be heavy gamblers … the stewards themselves have no formal qualifications.”

— Dr. Ted Humphries, former member of the Greyhound Racing New South Wales, Australia, veterinarian advisory committee, ABC News, October 16, 2013


“There is no getting away from the fact that greyhounds can and do get injured or worse from racing.”

— Paul Brown, Greyhound Editor,, March 19, 2023

“Of course dogs get injured! Absolutely they get injured. All the facts and figures are there.”

— Floyd Amphlett, Editor, Greyhound Star, June 14, 2022

“A broken leg is like, we just look at it as like a three month injury; it's not the end of the end; it's no big deal.”

— Greyhound trainer John O'Donnell, WBZ Radio, October 2008


"Cocaine, as a stimulant of the nervous system, is a substance which by its nature could affect the performance or prejudice the welfare of a greyhound."

— Professor Tim Morris, Scientific Adviser to the Greyhound Board of Great Britain, July 3, 2019

"It’s long overdue... There’s been cocaine given to greyhound races in Florida. There’s been hundreds of dogs that have died since these advocacy groups have actually monitored since 2013. And even the people who were pro-greyhound racing were stunned that nearly 70% of the Florida voters decided to ban greyhound racing. So it’s a big move. The entire industry is a disgrace, and for this to happen is really something."

— Don Van Natta Jr. on ESPN’s Outside the Lines, November 9, 2018

"The Division finds it is much more likely that a prohibited substance is provided to a racing animal purposely by the animal's trainer."

— Florida Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering, DOAH Case No. 17-5238R, McClellan & Nemeth v. Dep't. of Bus. & Prof'l Reg., Div. of Pari-Mutuel Wagering, November 1, 2017

“Do I accept any accountability or responsibility for the acts that occurred? Absolutely not.”

— Jamie Shelton, President of Orange Park, denying connection to cocaine positive dogs at his track, July 17, 2017

“Brief exposure to anabolic steroids may have long lasting, possibly permanent performance-enhancing effect.”

— Professor Kristian Gundersen, University of Oslo, November 2013

“Eighty per cent of greyhound trainers are looking for something to dope their dogs.”

— Australian greyhound trainer Christos Arletos, ABC News, October 16, 2013

Lack of Transparency

“This industry has repeatedly failed to act in a transparent manner and consistently meet even the most minimum welfare standards for the animals involved.”

— Arnja Dale, Chief Scientific Officer, Royal New Zealand Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Vamden-Narellan Advertiser, September 2, 2021

“[F]ailure to keep and publish records has quite clearly assisted the industry and its participants. It has facilitated the concealment of matters which the industry would not want the public to know. One matter concerns the thousands upon thousands of healthy young greyhounds which are destroyed every year for no other reason than they did not cut the mustard. They did not perform.”

— Stephen Rushton SC, counsel assisting the Special Commission of Inquiry into the Greyhound Racing Industry in New South Wales, Australia, October 28, 2015

“The figures just don't exist and that's a problem with the system we had established.”

— Jim Leach, CEO of Greyhound Racing New Zealand, acknowledging that the racing industry does not know how many greyhounds are killed, TV3 News, November 13, 2013

“I was obstructed almost from the start with Greyhound Racing. They simply did not want oversight.”

— David Landa, former Auditor General of Greyhound Racing New South Wales, Australia, ABC News, October 16, 2013

“There's a lack of national published data so we don't have exact euthanasia figures to draw from. That's another problem with the industry, this lack of transparency."

— Dr. Jade Norris, RSPCA Scientific Officer, ABC News, October 16, 2013

“No cumulative annual records are available that we're aware of on disposition, whelped, where they race, where they end up, etc.”

— Gary Guccione, Secretary-Treasurer of the National Greyhound Association, e-mail to a greyhound adoption advocate, November 16, 2011

Subsidies in Dog Racing

“We've been operating at a loss for years. … with the hope that one day we could get legislative approval to expand gaming and … maybe keep the place kicking.”

— Doug Okuniewicz, Post Falls Greyhound Park Event Center, Idaho, February 10, 2015

“It's a situation where we're saying it probably is time to stop racing, but we would like to be made whole for the money we have lost.”

— Sam Burdette, President of the West Virginia Greyhound Breeders and Owners Association asking for buy-out for end of live racing, February 2, 2015

“But the real outrage is not that the state of Florida allows twisted miscreants to work in what one might suppose would be highly regulated gaming operations but that the state still props up this shoddy, anachronistic, abusive, moribund industry.”

— Miami Herald columnist Fred Grimm, September 13, 2014

“We know of no other type of business that receives subsidies like those awarded to the dog and horse racing industries.”

— Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register, Editorial, February 23, 2013

“We need to stop propping up the greyhound racing industry and we need to let that industry stand or fall on its own.”

— Florida State Representative Dana Young, WTSP Channel 10 TV News, January 17, 2012

“The reaclass="quote-attribute"lity would be that it is a bad business plan to subsidize something that has no long-term future.”

— Iowa State Representative Kevin Koester, after voting for a bill to end greyhound racing subsidies, Des Moines Register, February 8, 2012

“Dog racing in Iowa has become a state-subsidized pastime, and it is probably just a matter of time before the state decides it has had enough.”

— Dubuque Telegraph Herald, Editorial, February 8, 2012


“The profit has declined over the years. At one time, you were a greyhound track with a poker room. Now you're a poker room with a greyhound track."

— Don Francati, former Daytona Racing and Card Club President, May 4, 2017

"Let willing adults bet on or against each other at card tables if they so choose, but leave these dogs out of it. They have already suffered enough.”

— Pensacola News Journal, Editorial, September 15, 2014

“If the Legislature makes one change to gaming laws this year, it should pass decoupling.”

— Panama City News Herald, February 7, 2014

“Requiring facilities to offer racing that the public no longer supports doesn't make sense. Eliminating the requirement won't hurt anyone, but it will help greyhounds avoid a fate they don't deserve.”

— Sarasota Herald-Tribune, Editorial, January 31, 2014

“Dogs should not be abused and kept running in so many races just to keep the card rooms operating. If they can't afford to do it right, the tracks should be shut down and their card rooms limited to the size and sites that exist today.”

— Tampa Bay Times, Editorial, February 21, 2014

“We want the Legislature to pass a bill to remove the requirement that Horseshoe (Casino) continue live greyhound racing. If it's not viable, they should not be required by the state to keep losing money.”

— Council Bluffs Councilman Al Ringgenberg, The Daily Nonpareil, January 14, 2014

“The law should be changed, not necessarily to ban dog racing outright, but to allow the casinos to drop the fig leaf.”

— Charleston Daily Mail, Editorial, February 21, 2013

Greyhound Adoption

“If the dogs weren’t adopted, their fate would be bleak. They would wind up being euthanized. As soon as they become unwanted animals, everybody knows what happens to all unwanted animals — if they don’t get adopted they get put down.”

— Tom McRorie, Fast Friends, commenting on the fate of greyhounds at Mexican dog track, Public Radio International, April 12, 2018.

“As in all cases when a greyhound track closes the GBGB and the promoter of that stadium will provide the necessary funding to ensure that no greyhound's future welfare is compromised.”

— Simon Banks, Communications Officer, Greyhound Board of Great Britain, Surrey Comet, March 9, 2016

“Nobody does animal rescue for recognition. They do it for the dogs. I do it because there is such a need.”

— Darren Rigg, Founder, Greyhound Adoption Center of California, San Diego Union-Tribune, Feb. 20, 2015

“Together with our Southeast chapter in the Carolinas and our Northeast chapter serving Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, we have successfully moved thousands of Florida dogs out of harm's way and into the homes of loving families. We are proud to support decoupling legislation which will remove Florida's antiquated live racing mandate from the books.”

— Marilyn Varnberg, Founder, Greyhound Adoptions of Florida, March 26, 2014

Community Values

"It's mindboggling to think that at one time people considered this a legitimate sport, and I give credit to animal advocacy groups for their activism that has raised awareness about the abuse and extreme conditions these dogs face, leading to bans in nearly every state across the country. "

— Governor Ned Lamont, statement upon outlawing dog racing in Connecticut, May 9, 2024

"I think that this is an industry that is really beyond reform. It comes back to the inherent risks in greyhound racing. It raises not just serious welfare questions but also major ethical considerations about why we are actually putting dogs into that situation."

— Scottish Greens MSP Mark Ruskell, petitioning to ban dog racing. Committee on Rural Affairs, Islands and Natural Environment, April 20, 2022

“If there is ever an issue that is not Democratic, not Republican, not urban, and not rural, it’s animals. I do not know how you could do this to an animal that you are using to make money. I do not know how you could treat an animal like that.”

— Senate President Peter Courtney, speaking for the passage of SB 1504 to ban dog racing in Oregon, March 3, 2022

“Now is the time for the government to acknowledge the need for the greyhound racing industry - the industry driven by gambling - to be shut down and to chart out a just transition for workers.”

— Abigail Boyd, Member of the New South Wales Legislative Council in Australia, May 30, 2019

“Greyhound racing is out of line with community values and the government made a commitment at the last election to end the industry.”

— The Honorable Gordon Ramsay, Attorney General of the Australian Capital Territory, June 22, 2017

“This bill is not only about the animal issue – dogs, possums, rabbits, piglets, cats, et cetera — but it is also about bringing people into a better way of compassionate living and children not being exposed to brutalities upon animals.”

— Mark Pearson, Animal Justice Party MP of NSW, debating for ban on dog racing, August 9, 2016

“There has been growing pressure in the state, and around the country, to end live greyhound racing. We understand that, we respect that, we feel that.”

— Michael Racy, lobbyist for Tucson Greyhound Park addressing Arizona Senate Finance Committee, March 16, 2016

“[O]ne needs to ask whether greyhound racing, given its concomitant undertakings and effects, is justifiable in light of the emerging moral standard of animal welfare. Surely, the answer can only be no. ... greyhound racing should not be legalised in South Africa, not now or any time soon.”

— Professor Elizabeth Snyman-Van Deventer and Mignon Hauman, Journal of Contemporary Roman-Dutch Law, August 13, 2015

“I strongly support the need for significant cultural change to align industry performance with community expectations and for all greyhound welfare and integrity outcomes to be reported on publicly.”

— Scott Parker, CEO, Greyhounds Australasia, August 11, 2015

“The truth of the matter is it's time to quit racing dogs. What we're doing is a little bit barbaric, we know that.”

— Pat Biddix, General Manager for Melbourne Greyhound Park, September 24, 2014

“In a civil society, it doesn't seem right to have these noble animals be caged and forced to race when they don't have to be.”

— Vicky Gaetz, First Lady of the Florida Senate, Miami Herald, April 8, 2013

“Greyhounds are very gentle animals, which makes it easy for the racing industry to take advantage of them, but like all animals, they deserve to be treated humanely.”

— Ann Church, Vice President of State Affairs for the ASPCA, press release, September 4, 2013

“Animal welfare scandals, shonky management practices and allegations of criminal involvement have caused considerable community concern in recent years.”

— John Kaye, Greens MP in New South Wales, Australia, Sydney Morning Herald, August 28, 2013

“Ultimately, the voters are the ones who will decide the future of this industry, and the industry needs to be reminded of that.”

— Dr. Marianne Kirkendall, Iowa Racing and Gaming Commission, e-mail dated October 12, 2009

Legalizing Slot Machines

“Animal racing was a fig leaf to mask the real goal — legalizing full-blown casino gambling, which the state has since done.”

— Charleston Daily Mail, Editorial, February 21, 2013

“No track can survive without slots anyplace in the United States.”

— Gary Piontkowski, track owner and former Massachusetts State Racing Commission Chairman, 2012

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