
At least three tracks throughout Italy conduct greyhound racing- the Palladio Racing Track, The GPL (Gruppo Padano Levrieristi) and the Farneta Oval Track.

Around a half a dozen racing competitions took place at each venue in 2013 and the GPL has 12 racing events scheduled for 2014.1 In addition to official races, the tracks also offer training sessions on a more frequent basis. Like several of the other European countries with amateur racing, various sighthound breeds participate but all races are segregated by breed.

We did not find any information regarding official rules or regulations for greyhound racing in Italy.

There is no wagering on greyhound races in Italy.

  1. "Programma [Program]," Farneta Oval Track.; "Calendar," Gruppo Padano Levrieristi, 2013, ; "Calendario [Calendar]," Palladio Racing Track, 2013,

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