Give now to end dog racing in West Virginia

Listen to our 2020 radio ad about dog racing in West Virginia

About GREY2K USA Worldwide

GREY2K has shut down more than three dozen U.S. tracks and prevented the expansion of dog racing to countries such as the Philippines, Jamaica and South Africa -- all thanks to the generous support of people like you.

In June 2018, our coalition succeeded in closing the only legal dog track in China and months later, Florida voters approved our bill to prohibit dog racing. Now we are setting our sights on the remaining 2 American tracks and the world at large. West Virginia is next. Won't you please help?

GREY2K USA Worldwide is a non-profit 501(c)4 advocacy organization located at 7 Central Street, Arlington, Massachusetts 02476. 100% of donations support our mission to end dog racing, pass greyhound protection laws and promote greyhound adoption. We are grateful for personal and corporate contributions. Because GREY2K USA lobbies for greyhound legislation, contributions are not tax deductible.

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