Since 2015, over 5,000 dogs have been injured at West Virginia's two dog tracks!
Innocent hounds suffered torn and twisted muscles, dislocations, seizures, heat stroke, broken tails and puncture wounds – and just since 2021, at least twenty-seven dogs have died! GT’s Cocobolo had a heart attack at the age of three. One-year-old Flying Betty Lou crushed her skull in a practice race. And poor Flying Berrylook died of a stroke. She was just three years old.
Hallo Jewel Pak's skull was crushed.
When not racing, greyhounds are kept confined in warehouse-style kennels inside small stacked cages which are barely large enough for them to stand up or turn around. There are no toys for them, no play — their "beds" consist of shredded newspaper or old carpet shreds.
This is no life for a dog! Make a gift of $2 to help save nearly 2,000 dogs at America's last two racetracks today.
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