On July 21, 2018 China’s only legal dog track closed its doors. Dubbed the “worst dog track in the world,” the Canidrome killed 400 greyhounds per year for more than a half a century. Losing, sick and injured dogs were replaced with a regular shipment of greyhounds from Australia, 30 each month. Because the track never had an adoption program, every dog that was sent there died there. Thankfully, following years of advocacy by GREY2K USA Worldwide working with ANIMA Macau and Pet Levrieri of Italy, over 500 surviving greyhounds were airlifted to safety in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and Australia.

  • October 2011 – GREY2K Board Member Charmaine Settle visits Macau to inspect the Canidrome. During her visit, she takes a photo of a beautiful dog named Brooklyn. She then meets with Albano Martins of ANIMA, who agrees to help #CloseTheCanidrome.

  • January 2012 – GREY2K releases white paper on the Canidrome, documenting 100 injuries per month and a population of 655 dogs. A full 20% are on the kill list.

  • December 2012 – Humane groups around the world sign on to our letter, asking the Chief Executive of Macau to stop the killing of the greyhounds and release all the dogs, including Brooklyn, for adoption.

  • January 2013 – The Macau government claims that Brooklyn is still alive.

  • October 2013 – “Missing” posters go up in Macau and on social media worldwide demanding the release of Brooklyn.

  • March 2014 – Dozens of international groups join in our efforts, including Animals Asia, Greyt Exploitations, RSPCA, Animals Australia, SPCA Hong Kong, Greyhounds in Need, Greyhound Rescue Belgium and Friends of the Hound. We ask Australian Agriculture Minister Barnaby Joyce to criminalize the export of greyhounds to Macau.

  • July 24, 2015 - ANIMA hosts International Roundtable on Greyhounds in Macau. GREY2K USA Worldwide joins Animals Asia, Animals Australia, the Capital Animal Welfare Society of Beijing, Kirsten's Zoo Rescue of Hong Kong, RSPCA International, RSPCA Australia, SPCA Hong Kong and SPCA Taiwan at a press conference demanding that the Canidrome be closed. GREY2K President Christine Dorchak delivers a petition with more than 300,000 signatures to the Chief Executive in a closed meeting with board member and ANIMA director, Albano Martins.

  • September 2015 – GREY2K USA leads a ten-country candlelight vigil to #CloseTheCanidrome.

  • December 2015 – Airlines Down Under including Qantas and Cathay Pacific agree not to fly greyhounds to Macau, stopping the flow of Australian victims to the Canidrome.

  • April 2016 – The Canidrome manages to obtain 9 more dogs from rogue Irish dog racers.

  • June 2016 – Animal Rights Action Network hosts a 400-person march in Dublin. GREY2K/ANIMA team go to Parliament to block export of more Irish greyhounds to Macau.

  • July 2016 - The Chief Executive orders track owners Stanley and Angela Ho to end dog racing within two years. ANIMA, Pet Levrieri and GREY2K announce formation of international adoption network.

  • September 2016 – Macau government passes a law prohibiting the killing of healthy dogs, protecting the majority of Canidrome dogs.

  • December 2017 – Deprived of imported greyhounds, the Canidrome cuts the number of races in half.

  • June 30, 2018 – The last races are held at the Canidrome. Brooklyn is among the surviving dogs.

  • July 1, 2018 - Three dozen groups worldwide volunteer to accept Canidrome dogs into their programs. Each will receive a grant from GREY2K.

  • July 21, 2018 – The Canidrome closes to the public and ANIMA volunteers are allowed to care for the dogs. Vets arrive from Australia to treat injuries and help the dogs back to health.

  • September 30, 2018 – The Macau Airlift begins.

  • October 18, 2018 - The first five Canidrome dogs arrive in the United States.

  • February 10, 2019 - GREY2K’S Gina meets her new brother, Brooklyn.

  • June 10, 2019 - The last of over 500 surviving Canidrome greyhounds leaves Macau.

Dog racing is already illegal in 43 US states and it is time for us to end it everywhere. Please sign our international petition and then make a campaign donation today. Give a gift of $25 or more or whatever you can afford today. With your gift of $50 or more, you will receive a campaign kit including a t-shirt, button, bumper sticker and tumbler in a canvas tote bag. For $75 or more, we will include a stylish enamel greyhound pin!

100% of donations support our mission to end dog racing, pass greyhound protection laws and promote greyhound adoption. We are grateful for personal and corporate contributions. Because GREY2K USA lobbies for greyhound legislation, contributions are not tax deductible.

Stay up to date and learn how you can help.