Choose from these three personalized gift sets for the ones you love.

Greyhound Love

Greyhound Love


This essential package contains a cruelty-free greyhound chocolate, “Save the Greyhounds” wristband and personalized card.

Super Greyhound Love

Super Greyhound Love


Our Super Greyhound Love package includes a greyhound chocolate, a "Save the Greyhounds" wristband, a personalized card, plus your choice of a pink or blue ceramic "Greyt Friends" mug!

Supreme Greyhound Love

Supreme Greyhound Love


The Supreme Greyhound Love package features a greyhound chocolate, a "Save the Greyhounds" wristband, personalized card of your choice, a pink or blue ceramic "Greyt Friends" mug, plus your choice of greyhound doll with either a pink or blue glass heart necklace!